Scientists find 'man's remotest relative' in lake sludge

After two decades of examining a microscopic algae-eater that lives in a lake in Norway, scientists on Thursday declared it to be one of the world's oldest living organisms and man's remotest relative.

Scientists study hands of fearsome, meat-eating dinosaur

( -- 66 million years ago, the fearsome, meat-eating dinosaur Majungasaurus crenatissimus prowled the semi-arid lowlands of Madagascar. Its powerful jaws bristled with bladelike teeth, and its strong legs terminated ...

Is cannibalism in polar bears on the rise?

( -- A series of photographs of cannibalism in polar bears have been released, and the researchers who witnessed the act think the rate of cannibalism may be increasing. They observed three instances of adult ...

Biologists study how insect moms fight cannibalistic neighbors

( -- On sandy beaches, hidden beneath rocks and driftwood, there are mothers with problems. Assistant Professor of Biology Andy Zink and his students have published new research on the parenting dilemmas faced ...

Imaging reveals key metabolic factors of cannibalistic bacteria

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have revealed new details about how cannibalistic bacteria identify peers suitable for consumption. The work, which employed imaging mass spectrometry, is a first step ...

Exposed: The strange sex life of spiders

Here's the good news: you are a male and you are allowed to have sex, at most, twice in your life. If that's the good news -- you may well ask -- what's the bad news? It's this: if you copulate for longer than 10 seconds, ...

Watching a Cannibal Galaxy Dine

( -- A new technique using near-infrared images, obtained with ESO’s 3.58-metre New Technology Telescope (NTT), allows astronomers to see through the opaque dust lanes of the giant cannibal galaxy Centaurus ...

A misplaced dinosaur tooth may have been cannibalism

( -- You don't have to be a paleontologist to suppose that way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth chances were good meat eaters would dined on one of their own. Short of a time-machine trip back 70 million years, ...

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