Fence tactic thwarts toxic toad

For three-quarters of a century, the cane toad has rampaged around northeastern Australia, but scientists hope the toxic terror may at last be stopped in its tracks.

Endangered quolls taught to turn their noses up at toxic toad

Ecologists in Australia have successfully trained a critically endangered marsupial - the northern quoll - to turn its nose up at toxic cane toads. Their results, including fascinating behavioural video footage, are published ...

Curiosity to kill Australian cats

Australian scientists are hoping to add some truth to the old adage by using curiosity to kill some of the country's millions of wild cats.

Inflatable toad gives small guys the slip

The female cane toad can pump herself up to mega-size to throw off smaller males striving to mate with her, Australian biologists reported on Wednesday.

Aussie meat ants may be invasive cane toad's Achilles' heel

Ecologists in Australia have discovered that cane toads are far more susceptible to being killed and eaten by meat ants than native frogs. Their research - published in the British Ecological Society's journal Functional ...

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