Stable qubit is a prime candidate for universal quantum computer

Researchers from QuTech improved the so-called "Andreev spin qubit" in a critical way and believe it can become a prime candidate in the pursuit of a perfect qubit. The new type of qubit is created in a more reliable and ...

Climate change first 'went viral' exactly 70 years ago

We have grown so used to many things. To the pictures of wildfires and cremated animals, to the ice sheets calving into the ocean, to the promises of world leaders that they will heed the "last chance" warning of the scientists.

Altruism can make jobseekers afraid to negotiate salary

Job seekers looking to land a role with an altruistic organization may feel too guilty to ask for higher pay, according to a new study from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin.

Debunking false beliefs requires tackling belief systems

Understanding how beliefs are formed and why they can be resistant to counter evidence is important in today's polarized world, as views sharply diverge on issues ranging from vaccines to climate change.

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