Nanotechnology in the Fight Against Cancer

A world-renowned medical researcher discusses the key role that nanotechnology has begun to play in the detection and treatment of cancer in an article that will appear in the March 2010 edition of Mechanical Engineering ...

'Nanobubbles' kill cancer cells

( -- Using lasers and nanoparticles, scientists at Rice University have discovered a new technique for singling out individual diseased cells and destroying them with tiny explosions. The scientists used lasers ...

Scientists Quantify Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions

( -- A research team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology has quantified the interaction of gold nanoparticles with important proteins found in human blood, an approach that should be useful in ...

Microchip can detect type and severity of cancer

( -- University of Toronto researchers have used nanomaterials to develop a microchip sensitive enough to quickly determine the type and severity of a patient's cancer so that the disease can be detected earlier ...

Scientists fight cancer with nanotechnology

( -- Nanotechnology researchers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock have developed a method of detecting, tracking, and killing cancer cells in real time with carbon nanotubes.

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