When things are at their worst, Christianity is intensely enacted

A new University of Copenhagen PhD thesis has taken a look at faith as practiced in the daily lives of Danish cancer survivors. The thesis shows that Christian beliefs play a significant role in the lives of people suffering ...

Deciphering cellular 'roadmap' of disease-related proteins

University of Toronto researchers are helping demystify an important class of proteins associated with disease, a discovery that could lead to better treatments for cancer, cystic fibrosis and many other conditions.

Enzyme helps cancer cells avoid genetic instability

Cancer cells are resourceful survivors with plenty of tricks for staying alive. Researchers have uncovered one of these stratagems, showing how cells lacking the tumor suppressor BRCA1 can resume one form of DNA repair, sparing ...

Advancing medicine, layer by layer

Personalized cancer treatments and better bone implants could grow from techniques demonstrated by graduate students Stephen W. Morton and Nisarg J. Shah, who are both working in chemical engineering professor Paula Hammond's ...

Novel nanovehicle transports drug cocktail to target cancer

Combination therapies, or "drug cocktails," are part and parcel of modern anti-cancer treatments today. The more researchers learn about cancer and its surreptitiously lethal impact on the body, the more urgent the need to ...

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