Spain confirms first death from 2021 volcano eruption

The first death from a months-long volcanic eruption on Spain's La Palma island in 2021 has been confirmed after a court ruled Monday that a man died from inhaling toxic gases from the volcano.

Monitoring 'frothy' magma gases could help evade disaster

Volcanic eruptions are dangerous and difficult to predict. A team at the University of Tokyo has found that the ratio of atoms in specific gases released from volcanic fumaroles (gaps in the Earth's surface) can provide an ...

How global warming affects astronomical observations

The quality of ground-based astronomical observations delicately depends on the clarity of the atmosphere above the location from which they are made. Sites for telescopes are therefore very carefully selected. They are often ...

First results from the paleomagnetic study of Cumbre Vieja

Josep M. Parés, coordinator of the Geochronology and Geology Program at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), has led the first study of the magnetic properties of the lava and ash produced ...

Forest fires rage in scorching southwest Europe

A summer heatwave that has triggered devastating forest fires across southwest Europe showed no signs of abating Sunday, as parts of the continent readied for new temperature records early next week.

Spain roasts in early heatwave

Spain was grappling Tuesday with a second unusually early heatwave in less than a month as temperatures hit levels normally seen in July and August, while France began preparing for similar conditions.

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