Refining persuasion experiments, from vaccines to voting

One of the largest experiments ever conducted on people was carried out during the 2012 presidential campaign. Barack Obama's canvassing teams tested different persuasion scripts on millions of potential voters and donors. ...

Google: What people search for most on presidential hopefuls

Potential voters who take their curiosity about presidential candidates to Google are interested in Hillary Rodham Clinton's age, Jeb Bush's height, Chris Christie's weight, Donald Trump's net worth, Carly Fiorina's marital ...

Companies increase profits with multichannel shoppers

Companies can increase profits by getting customers to buy through more than one channel, for example the bricks-and-mortar store and the Internet rather than the store alone. However, this strategy requires a well-honed ...

Harnessing the power of social media during the GOP debate

Dr. Jenny Stromer-Galley, an expert in social media and political campaigns offers insight on how candidates used social media to their advantage during the GOP debate on September 16. She said that Carly Fiorina, one of ...

Interactive linguistics tool detects political 'framing'

As communication strategists gear up for the 2016 presidential campaign – trying to manipulate public opinion with "message framing" – communication researchers are recruiting political news junkies in a nationwide test ...

Pro-Saudi hackers seize Iran TV's social media accounts

Hackers took over the social media accounts of Iran's Al-Alam television Sunday and posted material supportive of the Saudi-led air war against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, the Arabic-language channel said.

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