Surveillance cameras will soon be unrecognizable

It is often argued that the UK is the most surveilled country on the planet. This may or may not have been the case in the past but there are certainly now millions of surveillance cameras in public spaces—not to mention ...

Radar sensor module to bring added safety to autonomous driving

When a child runs out onto the road, the average human driver takes 1.6 seconds to hit the brake pedal. The reaction time is cut to 0.5 seconds for automated vehicles fitted with radar/lidar sensors and a camera system. But ...

Living smarter: The interconnected home

Smart homes have long been touted as the future of building. But now even existing homes can be turned smart—and it's easier than ever.

Research shows drones could help crop management take off

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, could help farmers determine if their crop is growing satisfactorily, according to a recent study conducted by University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture ...

Using a camera to spot and track drones

EPFL researchers have shown that a simple camera can detect and track flying drones. Plus, the lightweight, energy-efficient and inexpensive technology could be installed directly on the drones themselves and enhance safety ...

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