Q&A: Cambridge Analytica's bankruptcy won't halt probes

The company at the center of the Facebook privacy scandal, political consultancy Cambridge Analytica, is going out of business. But that doesn't mean those behind the entity will escape the scrutiny of regulators.

The internet is designed for corporations, not people

Urban spaces are often designed to be subtly hostile to certain uses. Think about, for example, the seat partitions on bus terminal benches that make it harder for the homeless to sleep there or the decorative leaves on railings ...

The hypodermic effect—how propaganda manipulates our emotions

The scandal surrounding the improper use of data by Cambridge Analytica and Facebook in the 2016 U.S. election is reminiscent of the old debates about propaganda and its ability to "violate the minds of the masses," according ...

The 'double edge' of pervasive personalisation

Anyone who uses online shopping, social media or even email is voluntarily – though not necessarily consciously – experiencing the influence of personalised technologies. The "profiling" which leads to advertisements ...

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