Cambridge Analytica: We designed Trump campaign strategy

The chief executive of data mining firm Cambridge Analytica told a reporter posing as a potential client that his company played a big role in getting Donald Trump elected, a British news program revealed Tuesday.

UK parliament asks Zuckerberg to testify in data misuse case

A British parliamentary committee on Tuesday summoned Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to answer questions on fake news as authorities step up efforts to determine whether data has been improperly used to influence elections.

How Facebook likes could profile voters for manipulation

Facebook likes can tell a lot about a person. Maybe even enough to fuel a voter-manipulation effort like the one a Trump-affiliated data-mining firm stands accused of—and which Facebook may have enabled.

Tech-friendly cities struggle with new biz rules (Update)

A renowned technology hub that is home to some of the country's top universities, Boston is emerging as an unlikely battleground for web-based businesses like Airbnb and Uber, with some saying more regulations are needed ...

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