How does order emerge?

German scientists from the MPQ, LMU, and the FUB analyze how fast order can appear in a quantum-mechanical system.

DNA helicity and elasticity explained on the nanoscale

A simple mechanical model to effectively implement the well-known double-stranded structure and the elasticity of DNA on a nano-meter scale has been developed by Jae-Hyung Jeon and Wokyung Sung of Pohang University of Science ...

Mouse groups reveal complex relationships

A common belief is that our modern, stimulation-filled environment encourages individualistic behavior (or anti-social behavior, depending on one's point of view), while simpler surroundings give rise to a more developed ...

How does hydrogen metallize?

Hydrogen is deceptively simple. It has only a single electron per atom, but it powers the sun and forms the majority of the observed universe. As such, it is naturally exposed to the entire range of pressures and temperatures ...

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