Aurora A may contribute to kidney disease

The Aurora A kinase may contribute to polycystic kidney disease (PKD) by inactivating a key calcium channel in kidney cells, according to a study in the June 13 issue of The Journal of Cell Biology.

CO2 makes life difficult for algae

The acidification of the world's oceans could have major consequences for the marine environment. New research shows that coccoliths, which are an important part of the marine environment, dissolve when seawater acidifies.

Shedding light on ice sheet collapse through Great Barrier Reef

An international team of scientists jointly led by Dr. Jody Webster, of the University of Sydney, and Dr Yusuke Yokoyama, of the University of Tokyo, is analyzing sediment cores drilled by the research ship, the Greatship ... The circuitry of insulin-releasing cells

A myriad of inputs can indicate a body's health bombard pancreatic beta cells continuously, and these cells must consider all signals and "decide" when and how much insulin to release to maintain balance in blood sugar, for ...

Seafloor Fossils Provide Clues on Climate Change

Deep under the sea, a fossil the size of a sand grain is nestled among a billion of its closest dead relatives. Known as foraminifera, these complex little shells of calcium carbonate can tell you the sea level, temperature, ...

Scientists: Global warming has already changed oceans

In Washington state, oysters in some areas haven't reproduced for four years, and preliminary evidence suggests that the increasing acidity of the ocean could be the cause. In the Gulf of Mexico, falling oxygen levels in ...

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