Apple's restriction-free music downloads create pause

When Apple Inc. announced in January that it would sell restriction-free music files, that was supposed to mean consumers could buy songs and play them on the portable gadget of their choice.

Study reveals ideal first offer in negotiations

When beginning a negotiation, buyers often struggle to find a first offer that lowers the final sale price but also avoids the risk of non-agreement. Based on the analysis of 26 million real eBay negotiations, new research ...

Trust your gut: Too much thinking leads to bad choices

Don't think too much before purchasing that new car or television. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, people who deliberate about decisions make less accurate judgments than people who trust their ...

How to buy a home: 7 tips for negotiating like a pro

The main purpose of negotiation is to find a mutually acceptable solution for buyers and sellers. Good negotiations greatly improve relationships between buyers, sellers and agents. They also help avoid future problems and ...

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A buyer is any person who contracts to acquire an asset in return for some form of consideration.

When someone gets characterised by their role as buyer of certain assets, the term "buyer" gets new meaning:

A "buyer" or merchandiser is a person who purchases finished goods, typically for resale, for a firm, government, or organization. (A person who purchases material used to make goods is sometimes called a purchasing agent.)

In product management, buyer is the entity that decides to obtain the product.

A buyer's primary responsibility is obtaining the highest quality goods at the lowest cost. This usually requires research, writing requests for bids, proposals or quotes, and evaluation information received.

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