Study finds minorities pay more for housing than whites

( —Black and Hispanic homebuyers paid about 3.5 percent more for comparable homes in four metropolitan U.S. markets than white buyers did, according to a Duke University-led analysis of more than 2 million home ...

Selling concert tickets? Consider parking when setting the price

Sellers mostly focus on the desirability of a product when setting prices. Buyers, however, focus evenly on the product itself and what's entailed in using it, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

AEG to facilitate booking adjacent seats

(AP)—AEG, the sports and entertainment giant that is up for sale, is making it easier to book concert and sports tickets for friends without having to pay for them all at once.

A problem shared

A study into the effectiveness of shared ownership schemes, which help first-time buyers get a foot on the property ladder, has found that mobility out of the sector is not as good as hoped.

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