Psychological impact of austerity revealed

The UK Government's austerity measures have led to a reduced commitment on the part of public sector workers towards their organisation, new research has found.

Charter schools can lead families to buy homes nearby

In North Carolina, charter schools are not subject to school district boundaries and accept students regardless of where they live. But a new study finds that families with children enrolled at a charter school are likely ...

Incomes fall as stressed economy struggles

Australian average incomes are falling with the country's population growth "masking underlying economic weakness", according to a QUT economist.

Humans are largely the problem in cyber security failures

When people think about cyber and information security they often think about anti-virus software and firewalls; however, according to an information security expert from the University of Adelaide, organisations would become ...

Smarter ads for smartphones: When they do and don't work

Brands spent $8.4 billion on mobile advertising in 2013, and that number is expected to quadruple to $36 billion by 2017, according to eMarketer. But do mobile display ads—those tiny banner ads that pop up in your smartphone's ...

Authenticity is the key to successfully leading change

Leaders need to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on others if they are to succeed at managing organisational change, says a Northumbria University, Newcastle academic.

The intoxication of power

Why are so many companies brought down by an excess of self-confidence, and rash decision-making by out-of-control egos at the top? A Cambridge conference aims to explain why power corrupts, and whether corporate leaders ...

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