Business getting the most from research

Management and business performance, rather than technological innovation, is the main focus for companies collaborating with universities, according to major survey of businesses conducted by the Centre for Business Research ...

Net helps businesses beat recession

The internet is one innovation helping small business bosses deal with strategic decision-making and survive the current recession, according to results revealed by the latest UK Business Barometer and Business Adviser Barometer ...

Engaged employees deliver improved business performance

( -- Research indicates that in the UK and US as many as 70% of employees may not be engaged at work. Therefore, it is not surprising that employee engagement has become something of a hot topic amongst business ...

Semantics-based software boosts company performance

( -- New semantics-based software tools that accelerate the speed companies can develop or adjust their processes - while slashing costs - have resulted from a major European research project.

How to be a good boss in a bad economy

( -- When cutbacks are necessary, can a good boss do right by the company's finances and by its staff? Some pain is probably unavoidable, but Stanford management science and engineering Professor Bob Sutton says ...

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