Which is better—digitalization or digital transformation?

Have you ever wondered what the terms digitalization and digital transformation really mean? Are you unsure about when to use these terms and what they mean to you? And, more to the point, what's the difference?

Team researches AT&T Stadium's impact on nearby businesses

When businesses synchronized their operations around major events at the then-new AT&T Stadium, they experienced success, a study by management professors at The University of Texas at Arlington shows.

Global panel to make economic case on climate change

Mexico's former president Felipe Calderon said that climate action can boost both developed and emerging countries as he led a new commission bringing together government and business leaders.

Why women leaders are excelling during the coronavirus pandemic

Since the beginning of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there's been a lot of media attention paid to the relationship between female leaders at the helm of various nations and the effectiveness of their handling of the ...

Robolution—it's about human skills, not just technology

The presence of robots in industry and beyond – factories are far from the only place where machines play a key role – is anything but new. In a July 2017 article written for the World Economic Forum, Jeff Morgan of Trinity ...

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