Amazon deforestation threatens jaguars, giant eagles

Boating slowly upriver through the Pantanal, the world's biggest tropical wetlands, Brazilian biologist Fernando Tortato scans the bank for signs of Ousado, a jaguar badly burned in devastating wildfires last year.

How wildfire restored a Yosemite watershed

For nearly half a century, lightning-sparked blazes in Yosemite's Illilouette Creek Basin have rippled across the landscape—closely monitored, but largely unchecked. Their flames might explode into plumes of heat that burn ...

As drought intensifies, California seeing more wildfires

As California sinks deeper into drought it already has had more than 900 additional wildfires than at this point in 2020, which was a record-breaking year that saw more than 4% of the state's land scorched by flames.

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