New buoys improve Minnesota North Shore forecasts

For over 11 years Jay Austin and his research team at the University of Minnesota Duluth have carefully tended to a crop of bright-yellow meteorological buoys floating on Lake Superior. Each buoy captures real-time data ...

Tool predicts rogue waves up to five minutes in advance

A new tool that can be used to predict the emergence of unusually large and unpredictable waves at sea—known as rogue waves—up to five minutes into the future is presented in a study published in Scientific Reports. The ...

Buoy oh buoy! Floating instruments receive major upgrade

A PNNL research team has upgraded the instrumentation on two lidar buoys used to capture data that help advance the scientific understanding of offshore wind and its energy-producing potential. The buoys were equipped with ...

New data reveals significance of Perth super storm

Two drifting wave buoys deployed along the coast of Western Australia by researchers at The University of Western Australia have highlighted the significance of Perth's recent super storm, recording massive waves along 1000km ...

New Indonesia tsunami network could add crucial minutes

Indonesia's tsunami detection system, made up of seafloor sensors that communicate with transmitting buoys on the surface, has been rendered useless by vandals and lack of funding. Now Indonesian and U.S. scientists say they've ...

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