Warm winter may bring pest-filled spring

(AP) -- The mild winter that has given many Northern farmers a break from shoveling and a welcome chance to catch up on maintenance could lead to a tough spring as many pests that would normally freeze have not.

Scientists document over 500 bee species in Minnesota

Minnesota is home to a great variety of biodiversity due to its position at a confluence of four of the planet's major biomes—aspen parklands, prairie grasslands, deciduous forest and coniferous forest. Now, University ...

Common insecticide may not harm bumble bees

Investigators have found no effect of an insecticide called thiamethoxam on bumble bees that forage on flowering winter oilseed rape. Using realistic field conditions, the researchers treated seeds of oilseed rape with the ...

Penn State researchers promote pollinator-friendly native gardens

(PhysOrg.com) -- Across the country, pollinators such as honeybees and hummingbirds are declining due to habitat loss, diseases such as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), pests and excessive pesticide use. Penn State researchers ...

How the health of your plants can affect bee pollination

University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers are investigating how farmers and gardeners can best support pollinator species such as bumble bees to help them out during growing season—and find insights on what might be ...

Bumble bees make a beeline for larger flowers

Bumble bees create foraging routes by using their experience to select nectar-rich, high-rewarding flowers. A study by Shohei Tsujimoto and Hiroshi Ishii of the University of Toyama in Japan now suggests that bees actually ...

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