Bumble bees make a beeline for larger flowers

Bumble bees create foraging routes by using their experience to select nectar-rich, high-rewarding flowers. A study by Shohei Tsujimoto and Hiroshi Ishii of the University of Toyama in Japan now suggests that bees actually ...

Hot cities spell bad news for bees

A new study from North Carolina State University finds that common wild bee species decline as urban temperatures increase.

Social bees have kept their gut microbes for 80 million years

About 80 million years ago, a group of bees began exhibiting social behavior, which includes raising young together, sharing food resources and defending their colony. Today, their descendants—honey bees, stingless bees ...

Honeybees hijacked by parasitic fly larvae

If you've ever seen bees flying around at night, there's a good chance they're so-called "ZomBees"—honey bees whose brains are under the control of tiny fly larvae growing inside their bodies.

How the world can save bees and pollinating insects

An international research team has released a top-10 list of ways countries can protect pollinating insects such as bees, which are vital for food production, following worrying declines in pollinating insect populations ...

Rusty patched bumble bee recommended for endangered list

Federal wildlife officials on Thursday made a formal recommendation to list the rusty patched bumble bee as an endangered species because it has disappeared from about 90 percent of its historic range in just the past two ...

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