BIM: Changing the way architects and builders work

The construction of a building does not only start with its design by architects and engineers. It also depends on determining a broad array of factors, including the price of materials, labour, the writing of specifications ...

The key to the treasure in wood

( —In future, it could be easier to break down wood, as a source of raw materials, into its constituent parts. Chemists at the Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim an der Ruhr have found an efficient ...

Scientists improve biomass-to-fuel process

( —Los Alamos scientists published an article in the scientific journal Nature Chemistry that could offer a big step on the path to renewable energy.

Genome provides new weapon against sea lice

An international team of researchers has now sequenced nearly the entire genetic material of the sea louse. On 1 March the Institute of Marine Research gave the world open access to this research source, which could enable ...

Multiple groups claim to create first atom-thick silicon sheets

( -- Since its discovery in 2004, graphene -- sheets of carbon an atom thick -- has sparked a flurry of research into the nanomaterial's potential applications for blazing fast, tiny electronics. Now, several ...

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