Using servers for home heating

For his Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, Karim Ziadé assessed the feasibility of putting data centers into residential buildings for heating purposes.

Simple model underpins building safety in the wake of landslides

A simple model that can quickly determine which masonry buildings are most at risk of collapse following a serious landslide has been developed by researchers in Italy. They publish details in a forthcoming issue of the International ...

Research could lead to better-tasting tomatoes, other benefits

( —Some compounds that determine plant species' characteristics such as the taste of tomatoes can be engineered to produce larger quantities in plants that have few or none of them, researchers at Purdue University ...

Stabilizing collapsed or shock-damaged buildings

In the gathering gloom of late afternoon, September 11, 2001, building engineers—as well as the rest of the world—watched in horror as the desperately fragile remains of the World Trade Center shifted and settled into ...

Researchers propose new building guidelines to clean up city air

As urban populations expand, downtown buildings are going nowhere but up. The huge energy needs of these skyscrapers mean that these towers are not only office buildings, they're polluters with smokestacks billowing out toxins ...

Microstructural improvements enhance material properties

Exquisite buildings like the Eiffel Tower were made possible because of advances in structural engineering design methods. Truss structures, like the Eiffel Tower, are highly efficient; they can carry the same loads as solid ...

Manmade 'wall of wind' used to test construction

A Category 5 hurricane is a monster of a storm that most people would want to avoid. But, civil engineer Arindam Chowdhury actually recreates those monster hurricane force winds in hopes of helping people better prepare for ...

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