Canada pulls out of UN drought convention

Canada said Thursday it is pulling out of a UN convention that fights drought, mostly in Africa, becoming the only nation to walk away from a pact that Ottawa says is a waste of money.

Landmark carbon assessment developed for Australia

The Australian landscape soaked up one third of the carbon emitted by fossil fuels in Australia over the past twenty years, according to a new CSIRO study released last week.

India's telecom auction raises 25% of target

India's government announced on Wednesday it had raised one-quarter of what it expected from an auction of mobile spectrum that telecom industry critics said had been overpriced.

IBM stock falls on signs of slowdown in demand

(AP)—IBM's stock fell more than 5 percent Wednesday, after the company reported disappointing third-quarter revenue and suggested that demand in key markets may be slowing.

3Qs: Candidates spar in aggressive VP debate: Experts evaluate

Three Northeastern University fac­ulty mem­bers with exper­tise in dif­ferent fields of study—polit­ical analysis, public speaking and pres­i­den­tial debates— assess last night's debate between Vice Pres­i­dent ...

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