Wealthy disagree with most Americans about income policies

(Phys.org)—As Congress and President Obama wrestle over the "sequester" and other measures that would dramatically cut government spending, the first systematic study of the political attitudes of wealthy Americans indicates ...

Japan scientists attack govt research cut plans

Top Japanese scientists, including four Nobel laureates, have criticised the new government for plans to slash research budgets, warning the country will loose its high-tech edge.

NASA seeks new ideas for Mars missions

The US space agency said Friday it is seeking fresh ideas for robotic missions to explore Mars, after budget cuts nixed a planned partnership with the European space agency.

Republicans could scale back US science budgets

Budgets for scientific research in the United States could be scaled back with the return of a Republican-majority in Congress as conservatives aim to slash spending to reduce the ballooning deficit.

New generation GPS satellite starts tests in Colo.

A $5.5 billion upgrade to the Global Positioning System moved a step closer to launch this week when a prototype arrived at a Lockheed Martin complex in Colorado to begin months of tests.

The 'habitable edge' of exomoons

Astronomers have their fingers crossed that within the haul of data collected by NASA's Kepler mission, which has already detected nearly three thousand possible exoplanets, hide the signatures of the very first exomoons.

The Earth's new water budget

Investigating the history of water on Earth is critical to understanding the planet's climate. One central question is whether Earth has always had the same amount of water on and surrounding it, the same so-called "water ...

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