Four most polluted national park sites are in California

A couple years ago, as part of the Sierra Club's Outdoors for All campaign, Roberto Morales took a group of low-income Los Angeles area residents north to Sequoia National Park to help with a forest restoration project.

3Qs: Candidates spar in aggressive VP debate: Experts evaluate

Three Northeastern University fac­ulty mem­bers with exper­tise in dif­ferent fields of study—polit­ical analysis, public speaking and pres­i­den­tial debates— assess last night's debate between Vice Pres­i­dent ...

California completes undersea parks network

Surviving budget cuts, mobs of angry fishermen, and death threats, California officials Wednesday completed the largest network of undersea parks in the continental United States - 848 square miles of protected waters that ...

Cuts to sole parent benefits are human rights violations

Sole parents in Australia are economically vulnerable and are experiencing ongoing cuts to their social security. Legislation limiting welfare benefits that was rushed through the Senate last week will make many of them poorer ...

How Canada could benefit from a carbon budget

Canadians have understandably been preoccupied by the COVID-19 emergency. Yet the climate emergency that prompted hundreds of thousands to march in the streets in September 2019 has not subsided.

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