White House orders review of NASA space plans

(AP) -- The White House has ordered a complete outside review of NASA's manned space program, including plans to return astronauts to the moon.

Researchers track groundwater discharges into salt ponds

The movement of groundwater in aquifers deep beneath the surface often carries with it a variety of contaminants that can be traced to leaking septic systems, damaged underground infrastructure, excessive fertilizer use and ...

How will sequestration affect NASA?

It seems the US in not going to avoid the sequester—the $85 billion worth of federal spending cuts due to kick in March 1, 2013. There will be across the board cuts to government agencies, applying equally to defense and ...

Asia budget carriers eye social media to cut costs

Asian budget carriers are increasingly using social networks like Facebook to boost their business and even channel customer criticism, without resort to print advertising, industry chiefs said Thursday.

In-store slack: Consumers often plan for unplanned purchases

Straying from the grocery list can yield some surprises in your shopping cart, but not necessarily in your wallet, according to University of Pittsburgh researchers and a coresearcher from Baylor University who have coauthored ...

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