Canada pulls out of UN drought convention

Canada said Thursday it is pulling out of a UN convention that fights drought, mostly in Africa, becoming the only nation to walk away from a pact that Ottawa says is a waste of money.

Dead forests release less carbon into atmosphere than expected

( —Billions of trees killed in the wake of mountain pine beetle infestations, ranging from Mexico to Alaska, have not resulted in a large spike in carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, contrary to predictions, ...

How the space shuttle killed an American Halley's Comet mission

NASA missed the chance to visit Halley's Comet in 1986 when the famed sentinel swung close to Earth, as it does every 76 years. Luckily for history, the Europeans flew Giotto past it on this day (March 13) in 1986, and some ...

The 'habitable edge' of exomoons

Astronomers have their fingers crossed that within the haul of data collected by NASA's Kepler mission, which has already detected nearly three thousand possible exoplanets, hide the signatures of the very first exomoons.

How will sequestration affect NASA?

It seems the US in not going to avoid the sequester—the $85 billion worth of federal spending cuts due to kick in March 1, 2013. There will be across the board cuts to government agencies, applying equally to defense and ...

Wealthy disagree with most Americans about income policies

(—As Congress and President Obama wrestle over the "sequester" and other measures that would dramatically cut government spending, the first systematic study of the political attitudes of wealthy Americans indicates ...

Landmark carbon assessment developed for Australia

The Australian landscape soaked up one third of the carbon emitted by fossil fuels in Australia over the past twenty years, according to a new CSIRO study released last week.

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