Cooperation needed to resolve deficit

The federal government has routinely operated with a budget deficit for many years, but that practice has become a bad habit, according to a Kansas State University public budgeting expert.

The Asian-American vote in California

Asian Americans—who account for 10 percent of registered voters in California—support a tax measure proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown, are closely divided on the death penalty ballot measure, overwhelmingly support affirmative ...

India's telecom auction raises 25% of target

India's government announced on Wednesday it had raised one-quarter of what it expected from an auction of mobile spectrum that telecom industry critics said had been overpriced.

3Qs: Candidates spar in aggressive VP debate: Experts evaluate

Three Northeastern University fac­ulty mem­bers with exper­tise in dif­ferent fields of study—polit­ical analysis, public speaking and pres­i­den­tial debates— assess last night's debate between Vice Pres­i­dent ...

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