Related topics: archaeologists

Bronze Age women altered genetic landscape of Orkney

An international team led by researchers at the University of Huddersfield has used ancient DNA to rewrite the history of the Orkney islands to show that Orkney actually experienced large-scale immigration during the Early ...

Central European prehistory was highly dynamic

Recent archaeogenetic studies have shown that human movements like migrations and expansions played a major role in driving the spread of cultures and genes in ancient Europe. However, it is only now with detailed regional ...

Where are the foreigners of the first international age?

The Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean has long been considered by researchers to have been the 'first international age,' especially the period from 1600-1200 BC, when powerful empires from Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and ...

Bronze Age Scandinavia's trading networks for copper settled

New research presents over 300 new analyses of bronze objects, raising the total number to 550 in 'the archaeological fingerprint project.' This is roughly two thirds of the entire metal inventory of the early Bronze Age ...

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