China vows faster, cheaper Internet

China has said it will aim to bring faster and cheaper Internet access to more people, following complaints that a near monopoly by state-backed firms had hurt service.

China broadband to get faster, cheaper

Two government-owned Chinese telecom firms said Friday they would raise the speed of their broadband services while lowering their costs over the next five years, state-run media reported.

China probes telecom giants for internet monopoly

A Chinese government agency is investigating two telecommunications giants for allegedly monopolising Internet broadband services, state media said Wednesday, in an unusual public spat.

Netflix unveils Latin America service in Brazil

(AP) -- Netflix launched its movie and TV streaming service in Brazil on Monday, the beachhead for a push into Latin America that is seen as key to the company's continued growth after recent setbacks in the United States.

Google to expand ultra-fast broadband to KC, Mo.

More than a month after Kansas City, Kan., announced it would be the first place to get Google's ultra-fast broadband service, Kansas City, Mo., leaders declared their city the envy of the entire world after the search engine ...

Kermit helps households monitor and manage their internet speed

For years, the relationship between Internet service provider and home user has been a simple, all-you-can-eat model: Pay a flat monthly fee and enjoy all the broadband you want, every byte of which streams at those fantastic ...

Gov't says up to 10 pct in US lack good Internet

(AP) -- As many as one in 10 Americans can't get Internet connections that are fast enough for common tasks such as viewing photos, video and Web pages, and two thirds of schools have broadband connections that are too slow ...

Broadband usage growing even as gaps persist

(AP) -- The U.S. still faces a significant gap in residential broadband use that breaks down along incomes, education levels and other socio-economic factors, even as subscriptions among American households overall grew ...

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