Philippines allows phone use on planes

The Philippines' civil aviation authority said Tuesday it would allow passengers to use mobile phones and laptops to make calls and access the Internet during flights.

Google's call for open Internet hedged in its own rules

When Google was just a mighty search engine, the company championed an open, unfettered Internet. Now that it's selling ultra-fast broadband Internet and TV service in Kansas City, Mo., with plans to repeat the service elsewhere, ...

US boosting broadband speed, but growth uneven

Americans are generally getting much faster Internet speeds than a few years ago, but growth is uneven depending on the type of connections, a government report said Wednesday.

Southwest to enable Wi-Fi use on 737 fleet

Southwest Airlines has finally decided to wire its Boeing 737 fleet for wireless Internet service after dabbling with the concept for two years.

China vows faster, cheaper Internet

China has said it will aim to bring faster and cheaper Internet access to more people, following complaints that a near monopoly by state-backed firms had hurt service.

NTT develops current-injection photonic-crystal laser

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation has developed an current-injection photonic-crystal laser with ultralow power consumption that can be applied to off-chip and on-chip optical data transmission for microprocessors.

'Three strikes' for the Web

Faced with a pandemic of online piracy, Hollywood studios and the major record labels have pressed governments around the world to make it easier for them to enforce their copyrights. In particular, they've tried to shift ...

Kermit helps households monitor and manage their internet speed

For years, the relationship between Internet service provider and home user has been a simple, all-you-can-eat model: Pay a flat monthly fee and enjoy all the broadband you want, every byte of which streams at those fantastic ...

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