Internet gap between black, white seniors

African Americans over the age of 65 are much less likely to spend time online than their white counterparts, according to a study released on Monday.

70% of Americans have high-speed Internet

The percentage of Americans with high-speed Internet connections at home has reached 70 percent, while just three percent still use dial-up to go online, a study showed Monday.

Google's call for open Internet hedged in its own rules

When Google was just a mighty search engine, the company championed an open, unfettered Internet. Now that it's selling ultra-fast broadband Internet and TV service in Kansas City, Mo., with plans to repeat the service elsewhere, ...

Ultra-wired South Korea battles smartphone addiction

Kim Nam-Hee pulls no punches as she warns a classroom of wide-eyed South Korean 10-year-olds that they stand on the edge of an addiction that will turn them all into "mindless slaves".

Internet traffic rise needs infrastructure upgrade

Australian internet traffic will increase by more than five times to hit one exabyte (one billion gigabytes) of data a month by 2016, a University of Adelaide mathematician and internet researcher has predicted.

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