Internet traffic rise needs infrastructure upgrade

Australian internet traffic will increase by more than five times to hit one exabyte (one billion gigabytes) of data a month by 2016, a University of Adelaide mathematician and internet researcher has predicted.

Biggest 2 Australian telcos join broadband rollout

(AP) -- Australia's two largest telecommunications companies signed lucrative deals with the government to join the rollout of a fiber optic national broadband network that will be among the world's fastest.

APEC eyes high-speed broadband networks by 2020

Asian and Pacific countries agreed on Sunday to help establish next-generation high-speed broadband networks in their region by 2020, overcoming the "digital divide" between rich and poor nations.

W.Va. city wants to be test site for fast Internet

(AP) -- Mayor Kim Wolfe has trotted out an old campaign prop to help the city's effort to win over Google and become a test site for the company's ultra-fast broadband experiment.

Australia announces $30 bln broadband plan

Australia announced plans to build a 30 billion US dollar broadband network, its biggest infrastructure project ever, opting to retain government control rather than contract out the deal.

Cutting congestion on the data network highway

Perhaps no other consumer-driven technology has made such incredible advances in such a relatively short space of time as the mobile phone. Today's smartphones are used to stream videos, access social media and perform all ...

The Internet in kentucky: Life in the slow lane for many

The Internet has become an important source of information for employment, health, news, entertainment, and shopping. And while many of these activities can be easily performed with a basic level of broadband speed, an increasing ...

A radical re-invention for the Internet

Remember the days when downloading one song could take 30 minutes and over 28 hours to download a movie? This, of course, was before the introduction of broadband which revolutionised Internet use. Now, broadband is set to ...

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