Net neutrality rules face mounting GOP opposition

(AP) -- Republican opposition is mounting as federal regulators prepare to vote this month on so-called "network neutrality" rules, which would prohibit broadband providers from favoring or discriminating against certain ...

FCC plans to nix wireless network that may jam GPS

Federal officials are effectively killing a private company's plans to start a national high-speed wireless broadband network after concluding it would in some cases jam GPS devices.

Dish asks FCC to let it build wireless network

(AP) -- Satellite TV broadcaster Dish Network is asking regulators to let it build a wireless broadband network. Having one would let Dish compete more effectively with cable companies that can bundle broadband and TV signals.

Battle for net neutrality isn't over

If you thought the fight over net neutrality ended when the Federal Communications Commission issued its strong new "Open Internet" rules last year, think again.

Biggest 2 Australian telcos join broadband rollout

(AP) -- Australia's two largest telecommunications companies signed lucrative deals with the government to join the rollout of a fiber optic national broadband network that will be among the world's fastest.

Huawei: Australia law could exclude China firms

(AP)—An official of Chinese telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies said Friday he is concerned that new Australian laws to protect communication networks from cyber-attacks could exclude companies from tendering for ...

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