Fishy parents distinguish friend from foe

With intruders lurking everywhere, the volcanic crater lakes of Nicaragua can be a dangerous place to raise a family, especially if you're a fish.

Male elephant seals use 'voice recognition' to identify rivals

Male elephant seals compete fiercely for access to females during the breeding season, and their violent, bloody fights take a toll on both winners and losers. These battles are relatively rare, however, and a new study shows ...

Florida takes aim at cat-eating African lizards

A cat-eating lizard native to Africa is being targeted by Florida state wildlife officials who say the creatures, known as Nile monitors, could be dangerous to pets and people.

Climate change does not bode well for picky eaters

In a part of the world that is experiencing the most dramatic increase in temperature and climate change, two very similar species of animals are responding very differently. New research published today suggests that how ...

Burnt out birds suggest hard work could be bad for your health

Unequal sharing of workloads in societies could leave the most industrious individuals at higher risk of poor health and prone to accelerated ageing, according to a new study of a cooperative bird in the Kalahari Desert.

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