The threats behind the plight of the puffin

Puffins are facing a perilous future. Population numbers have fallen sharply, and there are even fears the sea bird could be heading towards extinction within the next 100 years.

Birds play the waiting game in tough environmental conditions

Every animal's ultimate goal in life is to generate offspring to pass on its genetic material to the next generation. But sometimes, resources are scarce and the task of reproduction is too difficult or risky. If resources ...

Wintering warblers choose agriculture over forest

Effective conservation for long-distance migrants requires knowing what's going on with them year-round—not just when they're in North America during the breeding season. A new study from The Condor: Ornithological Applications ...

White cheeks are more titillating

Male blue tits with white cheeks are healthier and more likely to mate with higher quality partners than their counterparts with duller cheek feathers. Having purer white cheeks also indicates that a blue tit was better able ...

Bullfinches stick together for years

Scientists and many bird enthusiasts have long assumed that bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) mate for several years, and perhaps even for life.

House sparrow decline linked to air pollution and poor diet

Despite being well-adapted to urban life, house sparrow numbers are falling. A study in open-access journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution finds that compared to sparrows living in the country, urban-dwelling birds show ...

The shark network—exposing the social lives of sharks

Researchers have shown for the first time that sharks show very strong preferences for particular individuals in their social networks over years and prefer to hang out with other individuals of the same sex and size, in ...

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