Tiny songbird won't be silenced

On a quiet, 30-acre property near West Palm Beach, Fla., 19 Florida grasshopper sparrows are starting to sing.

Using genomics to save endangered species

Currently, many threatened and endangered species are present in captivity. Their management is mostly focused on keeping the population viable (both demographically and genetically) and as similar to the wild ancestor populations ...

Pemberton trout prove resilient to warmer waters

Department of Fisheries (DOF) scientists have found Pemberton trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) show an increased adaptation to high temperatures compared to cold water strains.

White eyes, foot-wide flowers, maroon plants

With a little cross-breeding and some determination, Dr. Dariusz Malinowski, Texas AgriLife Research plant physiologist and forage agronomist in Vernon, is trying to add more colors to the world of hibiscuses.

Nicaragua operation rescues two endangered jaguar cubs

When a post on social media exposed animal traffickers who planned to illegally sell two young jaguars abroad, Nicaragua zookeeper Eduardo Sacasa had a narrow chance to save the cubs.

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