'Pyramids' planted to revive Philippine corals

Thousands of small "pyramids" are being planted off the Philippines' famous Boracay resort island in an effort to bring its nearly destroyed coral reefs back to life, an environment group said Thursday.

Harp seals on thin ice after 32 years of warming

Warming in the North Atlantic over the last 32 years has significantly reduced winter sea ice cover in harp seal breeding grounds, resulting in sharply higher death rates among seal pups in recent years, according to a new ...

Only few seabird species contract avian malaria

Seabirds often live in large colonies in very confined spaces. Parasites, such as fleas and ticks, take advantage of this ideal habitat with its rich supply of nutrition. As a result, they can transmit blood parasites like ...

2 gray whales stuck in N. Calif. river for month

(AP) -- Biologists say they're concerned about the health of a gray whale that's stranded in the Klamath River in Northern California after swimming up with her calf a month ago.

China sets up military cyber-warfare team: report

China's military has set up an elite Internet security task force tasked with fending off cyberattacks, state media reported Friday, denying that the initiative is intended to create a "hacker army".

Warming decimates Antarctica's emperor penguin chicks

Helpless emperor penguin chicks perished at multiple breeding grounds in West Antarctica late last year, drowning or freezing to death when sea ice eroded by global warming gave way under their tiny feet, scientists said ...

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