Plants can be larks or night owls just like us

Plants have the same variation in body clocks as that found in humans, according to new research that explores the genes governing circadian rhythms in plants.

Silk Road contains genomic resources for improving apples

The fabled Silk Road—the 4,000-mile stretch between China and Western Europe where trade flourished from the second century B.C. to the 14th century A.D. - is responsible for one of our favorite and most valuable fruits: ...

Unmanned aerial vehicles help wheat breeders

Breeding programs for crops with limited per-plant seed yield require one or more generations of seed increase to generate sufficient quantities for sowing replicated yield trials. The ability to accurately discard low potential ...

New tool could help scientists dig deeper for prized crop genes

A new computer application (app) from Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists could speed the search for genes that underpin important crop traits, like high yield, seed quality and resistance to pests, disease or ...

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