Shedding light on the science of auroral breakups

Auroras, also known as Northern or Southern lights depending on where they occur, are natural displays of light in the Earth's sky. Typically, these lights are dimly present at night. However, sometimes, these otherwise faint ...

Scientists reveal reaction mechanism of 11Be nucleus

Scientists from the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and their collaborators have lately made new progress in the study of the reaction mechanism of 11Be nucleus. The study will help ...

Yahoo panel to study 'strategic' options

Yahoo said Friday it had named a committee to study the company's "strategic alternatives," moving a step closer toward a breakup or sale of the troubled Internet pioneer.

River ice can shape watershed ecology

River ice cover not only affects rivers during the winter but can also influence both physical and biological processes throughout the year, including the timing and duration of ecological productivity, under-ice light availability, ...

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