Finding work-life balance with remote work

Before March 2020, the idea of remote work was not a realistic option for many businesses. However, the COVID-19 pandemic changed options drastically for employees almost overnight, and the remote work experiment began. Fast ...

Even good gene edits can go bad

A Rice University lab is leading the effort to reveal potential threats to the efficacy and safety of therapies based on CRISPR-Cas9, the Nobel Prize-winning gene editing technique, even when it appears to be working as planned.

'Micro-breaks' from tasks show promise in boosting well-being

A review of 22 previously published studies suggests that taking micro-breaks—discontinuing a task for periods of 10 minutes or less—is generally associated with reduced fatigue and increased vigor. Patricia Albulescu ...

Structural and mechanistic insight into DNA repair

DNA double-strand breaks are one of the biggest threats to the genome and a driving force of carcinogenesis. Cellular repair mechanisms such as homologous recombination are essential for the maintenance of genome stability ...

Improving coseismic slip measurements

Geologists describe the process of an earthquake as occurring in three distinct phases. During the interseismic phase, strain builds up along a fault as adjacent pieces of crust catch onto one another and move in opposite ...

Simple steps improve digital learning

"One thing that can get lost in digital teaching is the process of building social relationships. This network building normally takes place during coffee breaks, shared lunch and in the queue at the toilet or coffee machine," ...

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