Early arrival gives bluebirds an edge in keeping nest sites

Finders, keepers: Mountain Bluebirds are more likely to defend nest cavities against competition from other birds such as swallows if they get there first, but climate change may disrupt the migratory timing that lets them ...

Why is the black box not stored in the cloud?

Professor David Stupples, City's Professor of Electronic and Radio Systems, says the time has come for the flight data recorder (FDR) and the cockpit data recorder (CDR) - the black box found on aircraft - to be stored in ...

Habitat quality drives birds' reproductive success

Five songbird species in California's oak woodlands each seek out a different habitat to maximize their reproductive success, according to new research in The Auk: Ornithological Advances.

Engineers design a home urine test that could scan for diseases

There's a good reason your doctor asks for a urine sample at your annual checkup. A simple, color-changing paper test, dipped into the specimen, can measure levels of glucose, blood, protein and other chemicals, which in ...

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