So many passwords, so little memory

How many keys are on your keychain? I just looked at mine and counted nine keys. And that's not counting the bulky little remote control key fob that locks and unlocks my car. I've tried to consolidate my keys by making one ...

Social marketing at the movies

Word-of-mouth marketing is recognized as a powerful route from long-tail sales to blockbuster, whether one is talking about the latest fishy ice cream flavor or a Hollywood romantic comedy. In the age of social media and ...

Team discovers new box jellyfish species in Hong Kong

A Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)-led team has discovered a new species of box jellyfish in the Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong. The new jellyfish species, which belongs to the family Tripedaliidae, was named Tripedalia ...

Poked to Vote: Social media and voter participation

If you logged into Facebook on Election Day 2012, you may have seen – along with political rants and raves from your friends (and pictures of cats) – a nonpartisan message from Facebook at the top of your newsfeed, urging ...

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