A good story can trump a bad credit score in peer-to-peer lending

These days a bad credit score will get you turned away by a bank, but if you tell a good story about that score, you can improve your chances of getting a microloan from a peer-to-peer lender, according to new research from ...

Exploitation of Indian workers on 457 visas

Recent research, by Dr Selvaraj Velayutham published in a forthcoming issue of The Economic and Labour Relations Review, published by SAGE, details the exploitation of Indian immigrant workers in Australia on 457 visas.

Study offers new perspective on 2008 housing crash

It's been 15 years since the 2008 housing bubble burst and sent the American economy into a tailspin, but pundits and academics are still trying to get a full picture of what caused the housing crash.

Mortgage risks underestimated, economists conclude

(Phys.org)—The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) underestimates the risks of defaulted mortgages, NYU economist Andrew Caplin concludes in a new study co-authored with economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

African-American females have good odds to get a loan

Need a loan? You appear to have an advantage if you're an African American female. According to a study by University of Iowa sociologist Sarah Harkness, lenders perceive African-American women just as favorably as white ...

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