Albino orangutan named 'Alba' after global appeal

A conservation group said Monday it has chosen the name Alba for a rare albino orangutan rescued from captivity in Indonesia after receiving a flood of suggestions from the public.

Name sought for rare albino orangutan rescued in Indonesia

A conservation group is asking the public to name a rare albino orangutan that was rescued from villagers on Borneo island last month, hoping it will become a symbol of efforts to save the critically endangered species.

Rare albino orangutan rescued on Borneo island

A rare albino orangutan has been rescued on the Indonesian part of Borneo island where villagers were keeping the white-haired, blue-eyed creature in a cage, a protection group said Tuesday.

Jungle school helps rescued orangutans return to wild

Ignoring the shrieks of his rowdy, wrestling classmates, baby orangutan Otan practises swinging alone at his "jungle school" on Borneo island, switching hands and hanging upside down as he builds confidence high above the ...

Sumatran rhino dies weeks after landmark discovery

A critically endangered Sumatran rhino has died weeks after its chance discovery on the Indonesian part of Borneo island was hailed as a landmark conservation success, an official said Tuesday.

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