In Japan, seismic waves slower after rain, large earthquakes

An earthquake is first detected by the abrupt side-to-side jolt of a passing primary wave. Lagging only slightly behind are shear waves, which radiate out from the earthquake's epicenter and are seen at the surface as a rolling ...

International drilling expedition to probe Japanese fault zone

( -- The scientific drilling ship Chikyu will set sail on April 1 on an ambitious expedition to drill into the fault that caused the devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Emily Brodsky, a professor ...

Boost to UK geothermal energy prospects

( -- Geothermal energy in the UK is a step closer to reality after exploratory drilling by experts at Newcastle University revealed record levels of permeability in granite.

What lies beneath: NASA Antarctic sub goes subglacial

(—When researcher Alberto Behar from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., joined an international Antarctic expedition last month on a trek to investigate a subglacial lake, he brought with him ...

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