Ten ways climate change can make wildfires worse

Wildfires such as those raging across eastern Australia have become more common across the world in recent years. AFP talked to scientists about the ways in which climate change can make them worse.

Substantial overestimation of carbon uptake in the boreal region

Moss can only generate about one-third of the gross primary production (GGP) that vascular plants can, because of its much lower photosynthetic capacity. Therefore, differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying ...

Hidden secrets in the world's most northerly rainforests

The word rainforest usually conjures up visions of brightly coloured birds and hyperactive monkeys swooping through a thick green canopy of leaves, vines and flowers. But rainforests are also found closer to the poles, in ...

Measuring the impacts of severe wildfires in the Arctic

Based on the number of acres burned, 2015 is shaping up to be the second most extreme fire year during the past decade in North America's boreal region. Historically, the area has had one or fewer extreme fire years per decade.

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