Apple CEO gets modest 2012 pay after big 2011

Apple CEO Tim Cook got a relatively modest $4.2 million in pay for the latest fiscal year, after the company's board set him up with stock now worth $510 million for taking the reins in 2011.

Microsoft CEO Ballmer pay slips 4 pct to $1.3M

(AP)—Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer's pay package fell 4 percent after his bonus was trimmed, partly due to slower-than-planned progress in the software company's online business and a drop in revenue at its Windows ...

New Yahoo! chief gets plump pay package

Yahoo! chief Marissa Mayer will be paid one million dollars a year and be eligible for many times that amount in stock and bonuses if she hangs on to the post, the company revealed on Thursday.

Top Facebook executives surpassed Zuckerberg in pay

Facebook's chief operating officer made more than $30.5 million last year, more than 20 times what founder Mark Zuckerberg earned as the CEO of the social networking giant, company IPO filings Wednesday showed.

Bonuses and risk not linked, says research

( -- New research into the causes of the credit crisis has cast doubt on the alleged link between bonus payments and risk exposures in the UK financial sector.

Ariane-5 launch set for Wednesday after strike ended

An Ariane-5 rocket launch that was postponed because of a strike at the Kourou space centre in French Guiana is to go ahead on Wednesday after the dispute was resolved, officials said.

The truth about bonuses

Bankers may well love them by the billion, but new research has claimed bonuses don't actually make us work any harder.

Activision in legal battle with game developers

Activision has a fight on its hands as developers behind "Modern Warfare" accuse the videogame publisher of holding them "hostage" to complete a new installment of the blockbuster franchise.

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