In fathering, peace-loving bonobos don't spread the love

Bonobos have a reputation for being the peaceful, free-loving hippies of the primate world. But, researchers reporting in Current Biology on July 10 have discovered that despite friendly relations between the sexes, particular ...

Bonobos are more aggressive than previously thought, study shows

Chimpanzees and bonobos are often thought to reflect two different sides of human nature—the conflict-ready chimpanzee versus the peaceful bonobo—but a new study published in Current Biology shows that, within their own ...

Deceptive sexual signals keep the peace in a bonobo society

Female bonobos could have become the dominant sex in their societies by deceiving males as to when they are likely to conceive, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. The females' ...

Apes unwilling to gamble when odds are uncertain

( -- Humans are known to play it safe in a situation when they aren't sure of the odds, or don’t have confidence in their judgments. We don’t like to choose the unknown.

Bonobos say no by shaking their heads

( -- Scientists report having observed and filmed bonobos (also known as pygmy chimpanzees) shaking their heads to say “no” to prevent an unwanted behavior in another animal. Bonobos have never before been ...

Great apes know they could be wrong

orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas - realize that they can be wrong when making choices, according to Dr. Josep Call from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Dr. Call's study ...

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